Instagram Ads Officially Launch in Canada

If you received this message on Instagram this morning, you’re not alone. Ads on the popular social network are coming to Canada, for better or for worse, and the Facebook photo sharing app is spreading the word on its platform.

The new advertisements will target users based on accounts they follow, photos and videos they like, interests and other “basic info” gathered from Facebook profiles.

These changes first surfaced in the United States and the United Kingdom last year, with video ads being added to the U.S.’s repertoire this week. For a hint of what’s to come to Canada down the road, take a look at how some of the brands at the forefront of this marketing movement down south are taking advantage of the new video capabilities:

With 200 million users worldwide and about 60 milion daily shares, it will be interesting to see if the commercialization of this traditionally organic platform can withstand the pressure from individual consumers who use the app as a means to escape the ad-ridden “otherparts” of the internet. Only time will tell.

In the meantime, it will take brave companies to put their face on the ads that could potentially have a negative impact on engagement. Our take? Quality content and the occasional sponsored ad may be effective, but keep in mind; invading people’s phones with ads on an app they are used to enjoying spam-free could very quickly make Insta-Goners of some followers. On the other hand, if done with grace and in tasteful moderation – and above all using interesting, relevant, and targeted content – it could be the beginning of something beautiful for businesses looking for a new edge on the social network. Stay tuned!